
Influence of impurities in CO2 rich flue gases from different emittents of a regional CLUSTER on transport, injection and storage

Objectives covered by Eurotechnica:
- Experimental determination of hydrate formation in CO2-rich streams
- Diffusion coefficients of impurities in CO2
- Diffusion of brine in CO2 rich streams
- Sorption and diffusion of minor components
- experimental determination of pH at elevated pressures



“Impacts of impurities in CO2 streams captured from different emitters in a regional cluster on transport, injection and storage (Cluster)”, Ref.-No. 03ET7031G, funded by the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWI)


Le, Quynh Hoa; Baessler, Ralph; Knauer, Sandra; Jaeger, Philip; Kratzig, Andreas; Bettge, Dirk; Kranzmann, Axel: Droplet corrosion of CO2 transport pipeline steels in simulated oxyfuel flue gas.

In: Corrosion 2018.


Knauer, Sandra; Le, Quynh Hoa; Baessler, Ralph; Jaeger, Philip: Contact angle and corrosion of a water-CO2 system on X70 and S41500 at 278 K and pressures up to 20 MPa. Under Revision in: Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control.